When creating the StimulTest technology, the scientific basis was the results of many years of research by scientists of the Soviet scientific school, which for many years were not available to foreign colleagues. The greatest contribution to the creation of our technology was the research results of Igor Viktorovich Smirnov, his key know-how – the synthesis of psychodiagnostics and computer technologies, the principle of which was described in detail in the monograph “Psychotechnologies”, published in 1995.
After 2004, this kind of fundamental research in the field of unconscious perception was no longer carried out in the countries of the former Soviet Union (at least, there is no such information in publicly available sources).
In the European Union, the USA and Canada, research in the field of unconscious human perception has been successfully developing to date. One confirmation of scientific progress is the results of 15 years of experiments by Stanislas Dean, a neuroscientist, professor of experimental cognitive psychology, author of the theory of conscious and unconscious information processing, set out in his book “Consciousness and the Brain” (2018).
The author, on the basis of various studies, independently of Soviet scientists, comes to the same conclusion about the possibility and effectiveness of masking visual stimuli in the form of words (phrases) or images (images) when studying a person’s unconscious perception.
The results of studies of emotional modality and subjective significance of stimuli confirm a person’s ability to evaluate them at a subthreshold (unconscious) level of perception. These, as well as many other results of the masterly experiments of Stanislas Dean, in fact, are repeated and independent confirmation of the scientific validity of the StimulTest technology.
In turn, the results of an 8-year testing of the StimulTest technology in real conditions (more than 15,000 tests) clearly confirm the theoretical validity and practical usefulness of the scientific research of world-famous scientists. This is a vivid example of the help of fundamental science in improving the quality of human life!