
Here is a variety of information, from examples of effective use to feedback from our customers.

Useful publications and articles

Examples of high-quality research confirmed by objective data (customer reviews, real facts, information from alternative sources) are given.

We always try to keep our finger on the pulse and carefully monitor the development of modern technologies. In this section we will publish interesting articles, useful materials and various reviews.

You will be very interested in reviews of the system’s capabilities and descriptions of available methods of use. This information will help you get acquainted with our product and start using StimulTest effectively.

Questions- answers

This section presents answers from competent specialists to frequently asked questions by StimulTest clients. All questions are divided into thematic areas..

In cases where there are no answers to your questions, you can ask them by filling out the form on this page. Specify the topic in accordance with your question to ensure that the answer is as constructive as possible from one of the professionals from our team. 

News and event announcements

For those who want to keep abreast of current events, this section presents current StimulTest news.

The information is systematized in chronological order according to various areas of application.

You have the opportunity to participate in the discussion of the materials presented in this section.
If you wish, you can propose current topics on the unconscious identification of a person’s attitude in any area of public or personal life.